Sip, Experience & Breath - Mindfulness in a Mug

Sip, Experience & Breath - Mindfulness in a Mug

Tea drinking is everywhere.


Tea is woven into the story of human history. Various cultures, tribes of people around the globe engage in a moment of the stillness of tea. A mug of tea can  provide a calm moment filled with peace.  Tea drinking is not simply a way to deliver our desire for caffeine - it invites us for a hiatus. Tea time to slow down and press pause on the constant demands of life. The pace of our lives seems to be be increasing, and the stillness of warm mug of tea can act as a counterbalance.


Tea allows us to slow down, regroup, and reflect. Setting aside a small amount of your time to treat yourself to a cup of tea can foster well-being for your mind and body.


What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment. Being mindful requires us to focus on now rather than memory or possibility. Pay attention to your current experience - all the sensory aspects. Don't dwell or project. Sounds simple? We are always somewhere, and we are always doing something! But, how often are you fully present and aware? How often are you aloof? Daydreaming? Worrying? How can we use our  mug of tea to guide us more readily into a mentality of contentment? Set Time Aside With any mindfulness practice, you need to be free from distraction. Set aside just 10 minutes in the morning before work, during your lunch break, or before bed. Once you have designated your tea time, enjoy it. Reduce the number of your words... just sip, experience, and breathe.

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